Bio Informatics National Certification (BINC) Examination Registration starts: Dec 13 , 2010 Registration Closes : Feb 03 , 2011 Examination Date : 26-27 February, 2011 Objective: JNU , New Delhi on behalf of Department of Biotechnology (DBT). Government of India, will conduct the Bioinformatics National Certification (BINC) examination. The objective of this examination is to certify bioinformatics professionals, trained formally as well as selftrained, in addition to encourage students with fellowship (JRF) for joining in Bioinformatics Research in University and institutes in India. Eligibility: Graduate in Science, Agriculture,Veterinary, Medicine, Pharmacy. Engineering & Technology are eligible to appear in the examination. They need not have am formal training viz., certificate, diploma or degree in Bioinformatics Students in final year of Bachelor's degree are also eligible to apply. Application & Syllabus: The online application begins on December 13. 2010 and will...