ASSISTANT RESEARCH OFFICER (PHARMACOGNOSY) - 02 (Two) posts [Group B]. (Unreserved-01 . OBC-O1 ) Pay: PB-2. Rs.9300-34800+Grade Pay Rs.4600/- Age Limit: 30 years and below. (Relaxable for Government servants upto five years in accordance with the orders or instructions issued by the Central Government) Educational and other Qualifications : Master's Degree irr Science in Botany/Medicinal Plants or M. Pharma (Pharmacognosy) from a recognized University. Duties: To undertake assigned Pharmacognosy research work under drug standardization programme of the Council. Place of Posting: Presently one each at Central Research Institute (H). NOIDA (UP) and Drug Standardization Unit. Hyderabad (Telangana). LAST DATE: 21 Sept 2015 DETAILS