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Showing posts from 2016

Congrats! All Pharmacists @ Rajasthan

Congratulations!! All Pharmacists from Rajasthan, From now onwards, our Council (Rajasthan Pharmacy Council) is online.  Each and every task is on to go. What is in our Favour?? Have a look....a brief analysis... We can fill form Online, (Through emitra/net-banking) We can pay Online (DD/ Pay-order option is also available) We need not to go repeatedly to RPC,  We need not to give a single penny to any-one else (As some people usually tells, that they gives....What is truth, they better know) Faster processing- No time delay Zero queue You can view detail of a Pharmacist, his renewal status, where he is working etc. You can update your details online through- "Pharmacist Login" You can submit your query/ complaint online through "e-enquiry" and "contact-us" menu You can renew your registration from any where in India/World You can calculate your fee for renewal anytime For new registration, just apply online and wait for appointment. You ...

Pharmacist Recruitment 2013 list

Pharmacist recruitment 2013 final selection list is out now (on date 13-08-2016) Check govt. order and list on the links given below. Check order List A  - Candidates whose verification is still pending List B - Final selected candidates Best of luck to all selected candidates.

B.Pharm, D.Pharm Admisssions 2016 @ RUHS (Govt. University), Rajasthan

This is to inform one and all that admissions are now open for B.Pharm and D.Pharm courses for the session 2016-17 at Rajasthan University of Health Sciences(Government University). Application form can be filled online through RUHS website ( ) or Good news is that: There is no lower age limit. So all candidates with PCB or PCM in class 12th can apply. NOTIFICATION

Senior Technical Associates @ IPC, Ghaziabad

INDIAN PHARMACOPOEIA COMMISSION MIN. OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA SEC.-23, RAJ NAGAR, GHAZIABAD – 201 002.  File No. IPC/NCC-PvPI/Recruitment/02 Dated: 17-02-2016  VACANCY CIRCULAR  Senior Technical Associates (for NCC)----13 posts  in PvPI on Contract basis having Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences or M.B.B.S/ B.D.S/ Pharm. D or equivalent, with three years experience in relevant field out of which two years experience in Pharmacovigilance. Preference will be given to young, dynamic personnel having proficiency in Computer Applications. Consolidated emolument @ Rs. 30,000/- per month will be paid by IPC.  The job description of the post is:-  Review and analysis of PSURs and follow up with stakeholders.  Benefit-risk evaluation of Medicinal Products available in Indian Market.  To supervise the assigned work and assist the senior officials.  Assisting in quality review and signal review of ICSRs.  To provide Vigi...

Technical Associates @ Pharmacopoeial Commission of India, Gaziabad

INDIAN PHARMACOPOEIA COMMISSION MIN. OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA SEC.-23, RAJ NAGAR, GHAZIABAD – 201 002.  File No. IPC/NCC-PvPI/ Recruitment/01 Date: 17-02-2016  VACANCY CIRCULAR Technical Associates (for NCC & ADR Monitoring Centres) in PvPI----40 posts on Contract basis having Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences or M.B.B.S/ B.D.S/ Pharm. D or equivalent. Preference will be given to young, dynamic personnel having experience in Pharmacovigilance and proficiency in Computer Applications. Consolidated emolument @ Rs. 25,000/- per month will be paid by IPC. The job description of the post is:-   Collection of ADR Reports.   Follow up with the reporter/patient for Completeness as per SOPs.   Data Entry in VigiFlow.   Reporting to NCC-PvPI through VigiFlow with the source data (Original) attached each ADR case.   Training/Sensitization/Feedback to physicians through news letter circulated by ...

Pharmacist (Rajasthan-NHM) Application and detail

Link is given below. Select and fill online application. Apply separately for both type of posts of Pharmacists. - Detailed Downloadable Pdf Version  - Apply Online 

Pharmacist Batch Starting- 7 Feb!!

Dear Aspirants,      As per request received till now, we are starting Pharmacist coaching Batch tentatively from Sunday 07 February 2016 at our Main centre. Interested candidates may register prior. Limited seat batch will be available. Intake will be 20 Maximum. No further request acceptable. If more candidates registered then extra batch will be formed simultaneously. Candidates interested in Drug Control Examination , may also join in same batch. (Common subjects will be taught together, rest will cover separately) Address: (Head Office) Pharma-XL A-15, Model Town,  Jagatpura Road,  Jaipur-302017 9783519360, 9694097575 Download  Registration Form  and submit at office in due time.

Pharmacist (512+79) @ NHM, Rajasthan

Pharmacist (RBSK)- Pharmacist (Dist Hosp. & CHC) -79 Reservation as per Rajasthan Govt. Rules) Date of application 02.02.2016 Website: