PhD positions are open at MANIPAL University Duration – 3 years Eligibility - Masters degree in respective subject with first class Admissions - Admissions will be made on the basis of marks obtained in written test, personal interview, past academic records, paper presentation & publication, research experience etc Fees – Rs. 59,500 (I installment – Rs. 28,000; II installment – Rs. 12,000; III installment – Rs. 12,000; Caution Deposit – Rs. 7,500) Scholarship - Scholarship amount per candidate: Ø First year: Rs. 16,000 per month Ø Second year: Rs. 17,000 per month Ø Third year: Rs. 18,000 per month Application - Candidates should download the application form, complete it in all respects and send it to Admissions Office, Manipal University, Manipal - 576104 along with a demand draft for Rs.500 drawn in favour of 'Manipal University' payable at Manipal/Udupi and the followi...