M.Pharm admisssion @ HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand
(A Central University)
M. Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) (Self Finance)
Fee: Rs 250
The application forms can be obtained in person from the cash counter of the University or by post
from the Office of The Coordinator, Entrance Test, Administrative Block, HNB Garhwal
University, Srinagar (Garhwal), Uttarakhand, 246 174 with the prescribed fee and a self addressed
envelope of size 32cm x 25cm. Request for application must be superscribed on the envelope “Request
for application form for admission (Course name)".
Important Dates:
Application forms available at Cash Counter HNB Garhwal University: 09/05/2011 to 09/06/2011
Last date for receiving of complete application form 09/06/2011
(Admission through Counseling):
Last date for receiving of completed application form 09/06/2011
(for all other PG/PG Diploma and UG courses):
Date of Entrance Test: 24/06/2011 to 29/06/2011